
Registration Information – How to become a MUSTANG!

FUTURE MUSTANGS: Please follow the instructions on the YCDSB’s Registration page to register for the...

York Catholic Students Continue to Beat Provincial Averages on EQAO and OSSLT Results

According to the latest results from the Education Quality and Accountability Office (EQAO) and the...

SafeArrival Information: Keeping Our Kids Safe

  As we start a new school year, we hope you will take some time...

Celebrate Throughout the Year with the YCDSB

The days that we celebrate help us remember what is most important to us.  But...

EQAO Math Information


School-day Online Payment Tool

School-Day is an online cashless system for use by parents, teachers and office administrative staff...

Course Selection information for non-feeder schools

Please use the following link to receive information for course selection for students from non...
Aerial photo of St. Maximilian Kolbe CHS' football field and track, with the school building in the background

High Performer Athlete Program Application

To learn about our HPA program and the application process, please watch the following video. ...